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What does Ramus mean in cardiology?

What does Ramus mean in cardiology?

The ramus intermedius (RI) is a variant coronary artery resulting from bifurcation of the left main coronary artery (LMCA) [1]. Generally, it is diagnosed on autopsy [2]. Recently, RI has increasingly been observed by computed tomography angiography (CTA) of the coronary artery [3,4,5].

Can Ramus artery be stented?

Although the ramus was only 40% narrowed in diameter, it contained intraluminal clots, and its two major branches were occluded, presumably from embolized clot. The occluded branches of the ramus intermedius were not deemed suitable for angioplasty/stenting.

Where is the Ramus intermedius coronary artery?

If an artery arises from the left main coronary artery between the left anterior descending artery (LAD) and the left circumflex artery (LCX), it is known as the ramus intermedius.

Where is the Ramus vessel?

Sometimes, an additional artery arises at the bifurcation of the left main artery, forming a trifurcation; this extra artery is called the ramus or intermediate artery.

How common is the Ramus artery?

The ramus intermedius is a variant coronary artery resulting from trifurcation of the left main coronary artery 1. It is present in ~20% (range 15-30%) 2-3 of the population.

What does Ramus mean?

Definition of ramus : a projecting part, elongated process, or branch: such as. a : the posterior more or less vertical part on each side of the lower jaw that articulates with the skull. b : a branch of a nerve.

Is a Ramus artery rare?

What is ramus in nervous system?

Ramus communicans (plural rami communicantes) is the Latin term used for a nerve which connects two other nerves, and can be translated as “communicating branch”.

What is a ramus on a bone?

Ramus – The curved part of a bone that gives structural support to the rest of the bone. Examples include the superior/inferior pubic ramus and ramus of the mandible.

What percent blockage requires a stent?

“For a cardiac stent procedure to qualify as a medical necessity, it is generally accepted that a patient must have at least 70% blockage of an artery and symptoms of blockage,” Justice Department attorneys wrote.

What does ramus mean?

What is the difference between the root and a ramus of a spinal nerve?

Note the difference between roots and rami (ramus is singular). The rootlets extend out of the spinal cord medially and combine to form roots. The roots combine to form the spinal nerve and then they split apart again and are now called rami (ramus for singular).

What does ramus mean in medical terms?

Medical Definition of ramus : a projecting part, elongated process, or branch: as. a : the posterior more or less vertical part of the lower jaw on each side which articulates with the skull.

What are ramus nerves?

The ramus is also known by a number of other names, “posterior (or dorsal) rami (or branches or divisions) of the spinal nerves”. The posterior ramus is one of two major branches of a spinal nerve that emerge after the nerve emerges from the intervertebral foramen.

What does ramus do skull?

Two vertical portions (rami) form movable hinge joints on either side of the head, articulating with the glenoid cavity of the temporal bone of the skull. The rami also provide attachment for muscles important in chewing.

What is ramus in spinal nerve?

The dorsal ramus of spinal nerve (or posterior ramus of spinal nerve, or posterior primary division) is the posterior division of a spinal nerve. The dorsal ramus (Latin for branch, plural rami ) is the dorsal branch of a spinal nerve that forms from the dorsal root of the nerve after it emerges from the spinal cord.