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What are the three many body divisions of a typical tapeworm?

What are the three many body divisions of a typical tapeworm?

They consist of a head (scolex) imbedded into the mucosa, a neck, and a body consisting of a series of segments or proglottids (Fig. 16.10). These contain male and female gonads.

How many hosts do tapeworms have?

Many tapeworms have a two-phase lifecycle with two types of host. The adult Taenia saginata lives in the gut of a primate such as a human, its definitive host.

What parasite ova have three pairs of hooklets?

The oncosphere of H. diminuta also contains three pairs of hooklets. Figure 32.12. A photo of a Hymenolepis diminuta scolex.

How a tapeworm is structurally adapted to parasitism?

Their morphological adaptations to parasitism include the absence of a gut, head and light sensing organs and a unique surface (tegument) able to withstand host-stomach acid and bile, yet penetrable enough to absorb nutrients7.

What structures make up the scolex of a tapeworm chegg?

Overview of Scolex An adult tapeworm’s body consists of a scolex (which is the head), a tiny neck, and a strobila (which is its segmented body) made up of proglottids as shown in figure 1. Adult tapeworms attach themselves to the inner parts of their host’s intestine with the help of hooks and suckers in their scolex.

What are the different types of cestode ova?

These include:

  • Taenia solium (pork tapeworm).
  • Taenia saginata (beef tapeworm).
  • Diphyllobothrium latum (fish or broad tapeworm).
  • Hymenolepis nana and Hymenolepis diminuta (dwarf tapeworm and rat tapeworm respectively).
  • Echinococcus granulosus and Echinococcus multilocularis (cause hydatid disease).
  • Spirometra spp.

What is structural adaptation of parasite to it’s host called?

Parasitism is a close relationship between species, where one organism, the parasite, lives on or inside another organism, the host, causing it some harm, and is adapted structurally to this way of life.

What are adaptive features of earthworm and tapeworm?

The following are the adaptations which help earthworm to lead its life, Elongated, slender and streamlined body which is much helpful in burrowing habitat. Presence of setae and musculature which help it in locomotion and also for anchorage. Secretion of mucous to plaster the internal walls of the burrow.

Are helminths multicellular?

Helminthsare large, multicellular organisms that are visible to the eye once in the adult stage of their life cycle. Helminths and multicellular eukaryotes, can either be free-living or parasitic.

Do worms have gender?

Earthworms are hermaphrodites, meaning an individual worm has both male and female reproductive organs. Earthworm mating typically occurs after it has rained and the ground is wet.

What are the characteristic features of Cestoda?

Cestodes, commonly called tapeworms, are the taxonomic class of Cestoda, which are parasitic worms. They have a tape-like and segmented body. These animals are hermaphroditic, lack a digestive tract, and do not have a body cavity.

Are parasites unicellular or multicellular?

Parasites can be unicellular protozoa, such as the plasmodia that live inside red blood cells and are the causative agent of malaria, the major infectious disease in the world today. Most parasites, however, are multicellular.

What are the three characteristics of earthworms?

Characteristics. All worms are bilaterally symmetrical, meaning that the two sides of their bodies are identical. They lack scales and true limbs, though they may have appendages such as fins and bristles. Many worms have sense organs to detect chemical changes in their environments, and some have light-sensing organs.

What are the different tissue types of glands in the body?

Glands are derived from this tissue type: Endocrine Glands *** Glands that do not have ducts, and whose secretions are distributed throughout the body *** Adrenal, Pituitary, Thyroid glands Examples of endocrine glands Hormones

What is glandular epithelium?

Glandular Epithelium Group of cells that manufacture and discharge secretion -Presence or absence of ducts (endocrine or exocrine) -Number of cells that compose them (unicellular or multicellular) -Shape of the secreting ducts (simple or compound) -Complexity of the glandular structure (tubular, alveolar, or tubuloalveolar)

What is the unicellular exocrine gland composed of?

Unicellular exocrine gland, ductless, composed of modified columnar epithelial cells Characteristics of goblet cells Among columnar cells of the respiratory and digestive tracts, as well as the conjunctive of the eye

What is an example of a multicellular fungus?

Several mycelia grouped together are a mycelium and these structures form the thallus or body of the mold. An example of a multicellular fungus is Rhizopus stolonifera. It is a bread mold that also causes blight in rice seedlings.