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Is disc edema serious?

Is disc edema serious?

This swelling is a reaction to a buildup of pressure in or around your brain that may have many causes. Often, it’s a warning sign of a serious medical condition that needs attention, such as a brain tumor or hemorrhage.

What causes disc edema?

Cases with bilateral optic disc swelling are often associated with papilledema, infiltrative optic neuropathy, toxic optic neuropathy, and malignant hypertension [1]. The most common cause of optic disc swelling in Caucasians has been reported to be anterior ischemic optic neuropathy [2].

Is disc edema an emergency?

Bilateral optic disc edema is a true ocular and medical emergency, even in patients without symptoms who are 20/20 and have a normal visual field.

How can I relieve the pressure in my optic nerve?

Drinking a quart or more of any liquid within a short time may temporarily increase eye pressure. Sleep with your head elevated. Using a wedge pillow that keeps your head slightly raised, about 20 degrees, has been shown to reduce intraocular pressure while you sleep. Take prescribed medicine.

What is optic disc edema?

Optic disc edema is swelling of intraocular portion of the optic nerve. The axons of retinal ganglion cell which forms the nerve exit the eye through scleral lamina cribrosa and convey the visual signal to the occipital cortex.

Can Pseudopapilledema cause headaches?

Patients with true papilledema will often present with progressive headaches, nausea, vomiting, and other neurologic symptoms such as positional headaches, transient visual obscurations (TVOs), pulsatile synchronous tinnitus, and binocular diplopia.

How do you get Pseudopapilledema?

A subtler (but common) cause of pseudopapilledema is buried disc drusen. This article focuses primarily on optic disc drusen. Disc drusen are composed of small conglomerates of mucopolysaccharides and proteinaceous material that become calcified with advancing age.

What is a disc edema?

What is a Disc Edema? Disc edema involves swelling of the back of the eye where the optic nerve connects. Disc edema, more accurately called optic disc edema, is a medical condition in which the small area at the very back of the eyeball, where the optic nerve connects, is swollen.

What is the cure to disk degenerative disease?

– Rest or lifestyle modification. Certain activities might be more painful for the neck, such as craning the neck forward to look at the computer monitor or a specific swimming stroke. – Pain management with medication or injections. – Ice and/or heat therapy.

Is there a diet for edema?

Increased intake of potassium helps the kidneys remove excess sodium and fluid, therefore we recommend edema sufferers to eat plenty of raw vegetables and fruit rich in potassium, especially spinach, lettuce, broccoli, bananas, oranges, apricots and tomatoes. Vitamin B6 is recommended in edema.

Can diet reduce edema?

High sodium intake may lead to water retention and can exacerbate edema in certain individuals. A diet high in fiber and protein-rich foods, such as turkey, chicken, whitefish and eggs, may be helpful in treating your edema. Cottage cheese, kefir and low-fat yogurt may also be beneficial in addressing this health problem.