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Is cold fusion possible now?

Is cold fusion possible now?

A group of scientists at well-known research labs (e.g, MIT, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, and others) worked for several years to establish experimental protocols and measurement techniques in an effort to re-evaluate cold fusion to a high standard of scientific rigor. Their reported conclusion: no cold fusion.

What happened to the cold fusion scientists?

First announced 10 years ago, cold fusion has been largely dismissed by the scientific community. But, as David Voss discovers, some researchers remain adamant that this supposed new energy source is real, and are pressing ahead with their own experiments.

What are the disadvantages of cold fusion?

We can summarize the disadvantages of the fusion as below.

  • The difficulty for Achieving the Fusion Power.
  • Radioactive Wastes.
  • Need More Investigation and Brainpower is Required in order to Solve its Problems.
  • Its practical energy results are still considerably unreachable.
  • Cost-Competitive Energy.
  • High Energy Density.

How far are we from cold fusion?

There’s huge uncertainty about when fusion power will be ready for commercialisation. One estimate suggests maybe 20 years.

What would happen if cold fusion worked?

Each home could heat itself and produce its own electricity, probably using a form of water as fuel. Even automobiles might be cold fusion powered. Massive generators and ugly power lines could be eliminated, along with imported oil and our contribution to the greenhouse effect.

Is fusion energy possible yet?

European scientists say they have made a major breakthrough in their quest to develop practical nuclear fusion – the energy process that powers the stars. The UK-based JET laboratory has smashed its own world record for the amount of energy it can extract by squeezing together two forms of hydrogen.

Does the US have a fusion reactor?

In December 2020, U.S. fusion researchers embraced the pilot plant in their new long-range plan. Using intense magnetic fields, ITER will trap a plasma of deuterium and tritium—the heavy isotopes of hydrogen—in a doughnut-shaped vacuum chamber and heated to 150 million degrees Celsius.