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Is ACCA P5 difficult?

Is ACCA P5 difficult?

ACCA Advanced Performance Management (formerly P5) has the lowest global pass rate of any ACCA paper. Every year, students make the same mistakes and end up failing the paper. Mistakes, says ACCA specialist Peter Woolley, that could easily have been avoided.

Is Advanced Performance Management difficult?

Common consensus is that Advanced Performance Management (P5) is one of the toughest nuts to crack in the Professional Level option papers.

How do I prepare for ACCA APM?

You should practice ACCA APM past exam on how to write valid points with details required before exam. It is very critical to pass APM with adequate practice on how to make your answers meet examiner’s requirements. A lot of students ask whether they need Paper APM textbook and some tutors said it’s their own choice.

Which ACCA paper is the hardest?

As such, from the below table, it can be inferred that F1 (Accountant in Business) is the easiest paper with highest pass rate of 85% in June 2019, while P7 (Advanced Audit and Assurance) is the toughest paper with lowest pass rate of 30% in March 2019.

Is ACCA APM easy?

APM is probably somewhat more difficult, because AFM has more “clearly right or wrong” answers in the written part, so it’s arguably easier to answer – your arguments, if correct, are easier to write since you don’t need to make them that convincing.

How do I pass ACCA exams in first attempt?

Tips to Clear ACCA In The Very First Attempt

  1. Proper Planning. You can start the exam preparation by going through the entire syllabus and creating a proper study plan covering all the topics.
  2. Do Not Skip Topics.
  3. Taking Mock Test.
  4. Mind Map To Brush Up Your Syllabus Regularly.
  5. Personal Wellbeing.
  6. Conclusion.

Which paper is P5 in ACCA?

ACCA P5 – Nature of the paper ACCA P5 Paper – Advanced Performance Management – is concerned F2 and is concerned with managing the business so as to achieve better performance.

How long is APM ACCA?

3 hours and 20 minutes
The total exam time is therefore 3 hours and 20 minutes. Prior to the start of the exam candidates are given an extra 10 minutes to read the exam instructions. For paper-based exams 15 minutes are added to the three hours to reflect the manual effort required as compared to computer-based exams.

What is SBL ACCA?

SBL mirrors the workplace and provides you with real world challenges allowing you to demonstrate a blend of technical, practical and professional skills. Work through the Ethics and Professional Skills module either before you start, or alongside your studies.