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How much is a 2 lift kit for Jeep Wrangler?

How much is a 2 lift kit for Jeep Wrangler?

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This item Jeep Wrangler 77072395AB 2″ Lift Kit TeraFlex 1251000 2.5″ Lift Kit (JK 4 Door with All (4) 2.5″ Shock)
Price $1,350.00 $96799
Sold By Auto Parts Wholesale Trends Auto
Brand Name Mopar TeraFlex
Maximum Lifting Height 2.0 inches 2.5 inches

What is the stock lift on a Jeep Wrangler?

Stock TJ Wranglers have 12 inch springs in the front and 8 inch springs in the rear. This holds true across all submodels. If your springs are larger than these heights, you have a suspension lift. Simply subtract the above values from the measured value and you have your lift height.

What size tires fit a 2.5 inch lift?

2.5-inches of suspension lift (2- or 4-door) Fit 35/12.50/17 or 315/70/17 tires. However, this usually requires aftermarket wheels with approximately 4 1/2-inch backspacing to do so.

Is a lifted Jeep Safe?

Whether you’re looking to fit your own lift kit to a stock Jeep or buy one that’s been pre-lifted, it’s important to understand what you’re getting into. Yes, a lifted vehicle is more susceptible to rollover. Yes, a lifted vehicle could cause more damage in rear-end accidents due to its raised bumper level.

Do lifted Jeeps sway?

I have a 06 TJ that had a 3″ body lift when I bought it and I know jeeps don’t do good at highway speeds but it sways a lot more than any jeep I’ve had. Any lift will raise your center of gravity over stock and ‘can’ contribute to body roll however…my 05 has a 3.5″ metalcloak suspension and 35″ tires.

How much does it cost to put a lift kit on a Jeep?

On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from $1,000 to $20,000 for a Jeep Wrangler lift. However, how much you pay depends mostly on the type of lift kit you choose. Different brands of lift kits and suspension heights can significantly impact how much you pay to lift your new Jeep Wrangler.