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How much does Ipe cost per linear foot?

How much does Ipe cost per linear foot?

On average, an Ipe board ranges between $4 and $8 per linear foot, or $3.50 to $5 per square foot. Most stores charge finished boards by linear foot, and untreated lumber by square foot.

Is Ipe deck expensive?

People love it for its low upkeep, long lifespan, durability, and beauty. That being said, Ipe wood prices are higher than many other types of decking, with a cost range of $25 to $65 per square foot, installed. That’s mostly due to the labor costs of $20 to $45 per square foot.

How much space do you need between Ipe decking?

Deck Board Gap Spacing Anytime installing Ipe decking, make sure to set a space between deck boards of 3/32″. The variation in gap spacing is to make certain that the decking has room to expand and contract depending on the material used and the atmosphere where it is installed. This also allows for adequate air flow.

Is Ipe better than composite?

Additionally, Ipe wood is biodegradable, more fire-resistant, stronger, harder, and costs less than premium brand name composite materials. For more information regarding the comparison of Ipe vs.

Is ipe wood more expensive than Trex?

Your initial cost for ipe decking materials will most likely be higher than those of Trex products. This is in part because it is imported from Central and South America.

How long will an Ipe deck last?

Ipe is more durable than other woods. Within ipe wood are natural oils that preserve it; combined with the wood’s exceptional density, you can expect an ipe deck or fence to last up to 50 years without replacement.

Is Ipe cheaper than Trex?

On the other hand, Trex can be a little less expensive upfront than ipe and it is available in colors not found in natural woods.

Is Ipe decking hard to install?

Due to the density of the Ipe wood, regular tools frequently are not enough to handle the job. This hard and dense wood needs special saws and drill bits. For sawing, go with premium carbide tipped saw blades. For drilling, we recommend Brad point or Fostner drill bits for a cleaner hole.

How long will Ipe decking last?

Is IPE cheaper than Trex?

How long will ipe deck last?

50 years
Ipe is more durable than other woods. Within ipe wood are natural oils that preserve it; combined with the wood’s exceptional density, you can expect an ipe deck or fence to last up to 50 years without replacement.

Does Ipe wood crack?

Ipe Decking dries and contracts, leaving tiny cracks in the face or at the ends of the boards. These tiny cracks are known as checks. Face checking is a very normal and is very difficult to see. It does not affect the durability, longevity or water-resistant benefits.

Is it OK to pressure wash Ipe?

Pressure Washing Using a pressure washer isn’t recommended for regular cleaning of Ipe decking. Power washers use high pressure which can damage and roughen the surface of the wood. Use a shop vac to remove debris and dirt from between planks, a soft-bristle broom to sweep it off, or just a regular garden hose.

How long will Ipe deck last?

Can I power wash Ipe deck?

Using a pressure washer isn’t recommended for regular cleaning of Ipe decking. Power washers use high pressure which can damage and roughen the surface of the wood. Use a shop vac to remove debris and dirt from between planks, a soft-bristle broom to sweep it off, or just a regular garden hose.

Can you power wash an Ipe deck?

Does Ipe get hot in the sun?

“While Ipe does have some warmth when the sun is out, it does not retain the heat. So, it never gets too hot to walk on,” notes Floor Critics.

How often should I oil my Ipe?

IPE oil can highlight the natural beauty of IPE deck tiles and protect them at the same time. To help your wood decking retain its original color, you will have to apply a new layer of IPE oil every year. Additionally, you might want to clean and refinish it every three to four years.