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How much can Ronnie Coleman squat?

How much can Ronnie Coleman squat?

Olympia Ronnie Coleman made history on the bodybuilding stage, but he’s just as legendary for the heavy lifting he did to get stage-ready. One of Coleman’s most famous lifts was his 800-pound squat.

What was Ronnie Coleman’s biggest squat?

800 lb Squat
Ronnie Coleman – 800 lb Squat THE OFFICIAL FOOTAGE | Ronnie Coleman – YouTube.

What is the heaviest squat?

1,036 pounds
Russian powerhouse Andrey Malanichev utterly crushed the world record for the highest unequipped squat on Saturday, racking up more than half a ton—470 kg, or 1,036 pounds, to be exact.

What is the heaviest squat ever done?

On March 2, 2019, Williams squatted a record breaking amount of 1,080 lb (raw/unassisted), setting the new USAPL national record, also the unofficial IPF world record for both raw and assisted as well as drug and non drug-tested events.

How heavy should I be able to squat?

If you’re just looking for baseline data for beginners, men should be able to squat about 65% of their body weight while women are expected to squat about 50% of their body weight.

How much does Brian Shaw squat?

905 lb.
4-time Word Strongest Man Champion. 3-time Arnold Strongman Classic Champion. 905 lb. Squat.

What the most anyone has ever squatted?

Now that is heavy lifting. Russian powerhouse Andrey Malanichev utterly crushed the world record for the highest unequipped squat on Saturday, racking up more than half a ton—470 kg, or 1,036 pounds, to be exact.

Who is currently World’s Strongest Man?

World’s Strongest Man

The World’s Strongest Man official logo
Founded 1977
Most recent champion(s) Tom Stoltman (2022)
Tournament format Multi-event competition
Official website