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How many mIU mL hCG does First Response have?

How many mIU mL hCG does First Response have?

Results: First Response Early Result had an analytical sensitivity of 6.3 mIU/mL, which was estimated to detect greater than 95% of pregnancies on the day of missed period. The sensitivity of Clearblue Easy Earliest Results was 25 mIU/mL, which indicated detection of 80% of pregnancies.

Is First Response Rapid result less sensitive?

That’s when a rapid option like the First Response Rapid Result Pregnancy Test can be extra helpful. The only potential downside of this test is that it’s less sensitive, so it can only be used from the day of your missed period.

What level hCG does First Response Digital detect?

One kit, the First Response Early Result Pregnancy Test, emerged as the most reliable and sensitive test. “It detected hCG at concentrations as low as 6.5 mIU/ml (thousandths of an International Unit per milliliter) – that’s almost sensitive enough to detect any pregnancy soon after implantation,” CR wrote.

When the test line is darker than the control line?

When taking a pregnancy test, any line in the test indication area is considered a positive pregnancy test, even if it is lighter than the control line. The darker line is usually the control line. Sometimes this second line is so faint, you can barely see it.

Is clearblue or first response better?

According to Cole’s research (PDF), Clearblue Easy and EPT are both less sensitive than First Response but more sensitive than other tests. These tests also detect hCG-h but not as well as First Response. In addition to accuracy, we considered test usability, readability, and cost.

Does first response give false positives?

If your HCG levels are expected to be below or around the threshold (like day 6 post IVF transfer or so), and the test line does not show up, I suggest you keep the test for another 24 h and you may see faint positive later. For those users, who claim about “false” positive FRER results.

What level of hCG indicates twins?

At 18 DPO the serum hCG for singletons is normally between about 70 and 750 mIU/mL, and for twins, it can be between 200 and about 1750 mIU/ml.

How reliable is First Response?

FIRST RESPONSEā„¢ detects the pregnancy hormone 6 days sooner than the day of your missed period (5 days before the day of expected period). > 99% accurate at detecting typical pregnancy hormone levels. Note that hormone levels vary.

Has anyone got a false negative with First Response?

Studies on the packaging of such kits as First Response say 48 percent of women get a “false negative” result when they test three days before their expected period. In other words, the test told nearly half of the women they weren’t pregnant when, in fact, they were.