How long should side effects last after a flu shot?
The most common side effects from flu shots are soreness, redness, tenderness or swelling where the shot was given. Low-grade fever, headache and muscle aches also may occur. If these reactions occur, they usually begin soon after vaccination and last 1-2 days.
Is it normal to have a swollen arm after flu shot?
Swelling, redness and soreness are common after the flu shot and can last 24-48 hours.
Why am I so tired after the flu shot?
Correct, some people can feel tired or achy after receiving a vaccine but this is normal. It is also perfectly normal not to experience these symptoms. Your body is still creating antibodies. Other symptoms can include fever, headache, aching muscles and fatigue that may last 1 to 2 days.
Can you get side effects 2 weeks after flu shot?
You’ll probably feel weak and tired, and have a fever, dry cough, runny nose, chills, muscle aches, severe headache, eye pain and a sore throat. 3. How does the vaccine work? Flu vaccines causes antibodies (cells responsible to fight off an infection) to develop in the body about two weeks after you get the shot.
Is it normal for my arm to hurt a week after the flu shot?
A sore arm is a very common side effect of the flu shot. It typically goes away after a few days. In the meantime, you can use OTC pain medications or an ice pack to ease pain and swelling at the injection site.
How long are you tired after flu shot?
Common reactions to vaccines are normal and can include soreness, redness and swelling where the vaccine was given. Other symptoms can include fever, headache, aching muscles and fatigue that may last 1 to 2 days.
Can the flu shot make you tired days later?
Most people have no problems from the vaccine. If you get the flu shot, you might have a mild fever and feel tired or achy afterward. Some people also have soreness, redness, or swelling where they got their shot. These problems aren’t serious and don’t last long.
Can your arm hurt 2 weeks after a flu shot?
March 16, 2022 The most common side effect after a vaccine is pain or tenderness in your upper arm, but why? Although this arm pain is expected and temporary, it can interfere with your daily routine and leave you wondering why this happened in the first place.
How long should your arm hurt after a flu shot?
While getting influenza vaccine is a relatively painless experience for most people, some do find that the area where the needle was injected tends to be pretty sore for a day or two after the shot. Aside from being mildly annoying, it’s really nothing to worry about.
Why does my body ache after I got the flu shot?
It’s normal to feel soreness, redness, tenderness, or even develop a mild fever or body aches during the two days after you get vaccinated—that’s just your immune response, not the flu illness itself. So there’s no reason to avoid getting the flu shot because you think it’ll make you sick.