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How does DLMS protocol work?

How does DLMS protocol work?

DLMS/COSEM (IEC 62056-53, IEC 62056-62) is a standard specification using COSEM for interface modeling equipment and DLMS for data exchange of such metering equipment. It comprises the object model, the application layer protocol and the communication profiles to transport the messages.

What is DLMS smart meter?

DLMS/COSEM (IEC 62056, AINSI C12, EN13757-1) is the global standard for energy & water smart management, advanced control and innovative metering. It specifies an object-oriented data model, an application layer protocol and media-specific communication profiles.

What is Cosem protocol?

COSEM or Companion Specification for Energy Metering, includes a set of specifications that defines the transport and application layers of the DLMS protocol. The DLMS User Association defines the protocols into a set of four specification documents namely Green Book, Yellow Book, Blue Book and White Book.

What is DLMS compliant?

DLMS stands for Device Language Message Specification, a generalised concept for abstract modelling of communication entities. Official website. The COmpanion Specification for Energy Metering. sets the rules, based on existing standards, for data exchange with energy meters, used together with DLMS.

What is the full form of DLMS meter?

DLMS stands for Device Language Message Specification. The objective of DLMS is to provide an interoperable environment for structured modeling and meter data exchange.

How do I read OBIS code?

The OBIS value code is located at the beginning of each row in the string. – The A group specifies the medium (0=abstract objects, 1=electricity, 6=heat, 7=gas, 8=water …) – The B group specifies the channel.

What is the use of DLMS meter?

DLMS — Device Language Message Specification. DLMS/ COSEM (or IEC 62056) is the main global standard for smart energy metering, control and management. It includes specifications for media-specific communication profiles, an object-oriented data model and an application layer protocol.

What is OBIS code?

OBIS code is a numerical code which represents the physical quantity measured by the meter. Let’s look at the example. 1.8.0(158233.46*kWh) It contains 3 elements: OBIS code 1.8. 0 , counter value 158233.46 and the unit kWh separated with specific characters.

What are OBIS codes?

OBIS code is a numerical code which represents the physical quantity measured by the meter. Let’s look at the example. It contains 3 elements: OBIS code 1.8. 0 , counter value 158233.46 and the unit kWh separated with specific characters.

How many sub identifiers are in OBIS code?

match content of the line with particular data items registered by the meter, understanding of OBIS codes is required. The code consists of (up to) 6 group sub-identifiers marked by letters A to F (Figure 4).

What is cumulative maximum demand?

cumulative maximum demand, cumulative demand. the sum of the previous billing period maximum demand readings. NOTE 1 At the time of billing period reset, the maximum demand for the most recent billing period is added to the previously accumulated total of all maximum demands.

How is MDI calculated?

Similarly if a motor runs on 1 HP that is 745 Watts you will run in 75% that can be considered as 0.75 power factor. The energy that the appliances have to supply is 1/0.75= 1.33HP. The energy is lost due to the magnetic field in the motor. This is the MDI calculation in electricity bill.

How do you calculate maximum demand in kW?

Using Load Factor to Determine Demand Limit

  1. 3000 kWh divided by 720 hours = 4.16 (demand limit if at 100% load factor)
  2. 4.16 divided by .60 = ~7kW.
  3. 20kW multiplied by 720 hours = 14,400 Total kWh (if at 100% load factor) 3000 kWh divided by 14,400 Total kWh = 21% load factor at 20kW.

How can we avoid MDI?

Another option of avoiding MDI penalty is by shifting your peak load to a time of day when your load is less. For eg. A Thermal Storage system can help you shift your air conditioning load from the daytime to nighttime. A thermal storage device is like a battery that stores thermal energy.

What is MDI load?

Maximum Demand Indicator (MDI) is an instrument for measuring the maximum amount of electrical energy required by a specific consumer during a given period of time. MDI instruments record the base load requirement of electrical energy.

What is maximum demand formula?

Maximum demand Calculation: Maximum Demand= Connected Load x Load Factor / Power Factor.

How is kW connected load calculated?

Calculation of Connected Load “Connected load” of a consumer is the sum of the continuous ratings of all the equipment of the consumer’s premises. Then the connected load of one consumer is 5×100 + 2×60 + 500 = 1120 watts.

What if MDI is more than sanctioned load?

During the month if you exceed your maximum “demand” you have to pay penalty (or extra price) for the same. That is the MDI penalty that appears on electricity bills.

What is PF in energy meter?

Power factor is an expression of energy efficiency. It is usually expressed as a percentage—and the lower the percentage, the less efficient power usage is. Power factor (PF) is the ratio of working power, measured in kilowatts (kW), to apparent power, measured in kilovolt amperes (kVA).