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How do you use atypical in a sentence?

How do you use atypical in a sentence?

Atypical in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Eating meat would be completely atypical for a vegetarian.
  2. Last year we built houses for homeless families during our atypical vacation.
  3. It is atypical for John to be silent because he is such a talkative fellow.

What is an example of atypical?

The definition of atypical is someone or something unusual or abnormal. A foxtrot mixed with a hip hop dance performance is an example of atypical. A single white rose growing on an all red rose bush is an example of atypical.

What does it mean when someone is atypical?

not typical
1 : not typical : irregular, unusual an atypical form of a disease atypical weather for this area.

What does the word atypical mean in this sentence it was an atypical day for Annie She woke up late in the morning and missed her bus to get to school?

What does atypical mean? Atypical is used to describe something that does not conform to the norm or that is irregular, such as an atypical behavior or an atypical action.

Does atypical mean unusual?

Atypical is a synonym of “unusual,” but it carries a more objective feel—scientific studies might mention atypical results, suggesting that there is a clear definition of what is typical and what is not. “Unusual” is more of a casual observation that one might make in a non-scientific context.

What is a atypical child?

Typical development will give generic progress of the child compared to peers of the same age. Atypical development occurs when the child appears to lag behind or is way ahead of same-age peers in any of the different skills. You can learn how to recognize the differences between typical and atypical development.

Is Atypical positive or negative?

Atypical bacteria are bacteria that do not color with gram-staining but rather remain colorless: they are neither Gram-positive nor Gram-negative.

Does Atypical mean unusual?

Does atypical mean not typical?

Because the prefixes a- and un- can both mean not, atypical and untypical have the same meaning: not typical, not usual or normal.

Is atypical the opposite of typical?

Typical means what you would expect—a typical suburban town has lots of neat little houses and people. Atypical means outside of type—an atypical suburban town might be populated by zombies in damp caves.

Does Atypical mean not?

What is an atypical family?

children after being divorced from one another represent an atypical. family. A family which lost one parent because of death is a broken. atypical family.

What is an atypical student?

Broadly speaking, an atypical learner is a student who doesn’t learn at the average speed of the classroom and who doesn’t respond in the expected way to the conventional curriculum and teaching methods.

What is the meaning of a typical girl?

adjective. exhibiting the qualities or characteristics that identify a group or kind or category. “a typical American girl”

What is another name for Atypical?

In this page you can discover 28 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for atypical, like: unconventional, offbeat, ordinary, novel, typical, untypical, conforming, aberrant, anomalistic, atypic and divergent.

What are two synonyms for Atypical?

synonyms for atypical

  • abnormal.
  • anomalous.
  • divergent.
  • odd.
  • peculiar.
  • strange.
  • unnatural.
  • aberrant.

What is the meaning of Atypical child?

Some children exhibit behaviors that fall outside of the normal, or expected, range of development. These behaviors emerge in a way or at a pace that is different from their peers.

What is Atypical parenting?

Atypical Means… This means, for example, if your child isn’t considered a “regular kid” or “normal”. If your child has special needs, or physical, emotional or mental issues that separate him or her from the other kids at school.

What is an atypical child?

A child is described as developing atypically when one of two situations arises: A child reaches developmental milestones earlier than other children his/her age. A child reaches developmental milestones later than other children his/her age.