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How do you unlock events in Tomodachi life?

How do you unlock events in Tomodachi life?

The event is unlocked by having a Mii confess for the first time. It is also known as Guys’/Girls’ Hangout (US) or Guys’/Girls’ Meeting (EU). In the session, two to four Miis who are friends with each other will gather and use several pre-written dialogues to converse with the other Miis.

How do you get a divorce in Tomodachi life?

Married Miis can get divorced, but you can’t choose when. When the relationship between the Miis gets rough (you can press L or R while talking to the mii to see the relationship), the Miis might get divorced.

How do you have babies on Tomodachi life?

These requests can happen within as little as 1 hour of a couple’s marriage, or about seven days after the last child has grown up, or it can take weeks or months for a couple to want to have a baby. Once two married Miis have a child, they will always be together until the latter grows up.

How long does it take for Miis to fall in love?

Miis can become sweethearts in two ways. The first way is the love confession, where one Mii develops feelings for their friend, so they confess their love and if the Mii being confessed accepts, the two will start to date; if rejected, the confessor will gain sadness.

Is Tomodachi available on Wii?

This game is a sequel to a Japanese title Tomodachi Collection that used a Nintendo DS and the Wii.

How do you get two Tomodachis together?

About This Article

  1. Make a boy and girl Mii.
  2. Choose a compatible personality for the two Miis.
  3. Get them to meet.
  4. Tap the pink heart in the Mii’s apartment when they want to confess their love.
  5. Tell them how to confess.
  6. Choose a location.
  7. Choose clothes for them to wear.
  8. Check in on their relationship.

What is the maximum amount of Miis in Tomodachi Life?

100 Miis
You can have up to 100 Miis living on your island. You can even transfer Mii characters from Mii Maker on Wii Uâ„¢ to your Nintendo 3DS system.

How do you make two Tomodachi characters fall in love?