How do I find the circulation number of a magazine?
Locate the Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation that appears within the magazine itself, printed annually, usually in December or in the last issue for a given calendar year. It may appear among advertisements in the front or the back pages of a magazine.
What is total circulation in magazines?
A magazine’s circulation captures the number of copies of each issue distributed to the public, including single-copy sales and the number of subscriptions verified and paid. Readership refers to the average number of people who read each magazine copy.
How do you find the readership of a newspaper?
The formula for readership is RPC multiplied by circulation. Suppose a magazine has a circulation of 150,000 and a RPC of 2.5. This gives a readership of 375,000.
What is a circulation number?
Circulation is a count of how many copies of a particular publication are distributed. Circulation audits are provided by the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC). Readership is an estimate of how many readers a publication has.
Why is circulation number different from readership numbers?
Readership is the number of people who read a newspaper or another publication. Circulation is the number of copies of the newspaper or publication distributed on an average date.
What is circulation rate newspaper?
Circulation is the number of newspaper/magazine copies distributed on average in a day. Advertisers need to be aware when deciding which publications to place ads in, because circulation includes both paid circulation, as well as newspapers that are distributed free of cost.
How many subscribers does The Week have?
The Week brings the most relevant and important news from more than 200 trusted local and global sources to over 300,000 readers in one concise, informative and entertaining read.
What does circulation audience mean?
Circulation is the number of paid subscribers that magazines and newspapers have. Broadcast media — television and radio — do not use the term circulation; instead, they measure their audiences in terms of viewers and listeners.