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How do I dispose of my Christmas tree in NYC?

How do I dispose of my Christmas tree in NYC?

Remove all lights, ornaments and tinsel before placing at the curb. Otherwise, set it out as garbage on regular collection day(s). If the tree is greater than 4 feet, you should make a bulk pick-up appointment. To schedule a bulk pick-up appointment, visit the Bulk Item Disposal page or call 311.

How do you use a Christmas tree disposal bag?

Simply place the tree trunk through a hole in the center of the bag, lift the bag up around your tree and attach the stand. Than let the bag fall and drape as a tree skirt. When ready to dispose, simply pull the bag back up and twist tie for easy carry-out!

What does NYC sanitation do with Christmas trees?

The Department of Sanitation (DSNY) conducts a special Christmas Tree Collection every January. During the collection period, live trees are collected, chipped, mixed with leaves, and recycled into rich compost for NYC’s parks, institutions, and community gardens.

When can you throw out Christmas tree NYC?

Bring your tree down for curbside pick-up by the Department of Sanitation from January 6-15. Trees will be recycled into compost for NYC’s public spaces (parks, gardens, etc.). Be sure to remove all decorations from the tree and do not place the tree in a plastic bag.

What do you do with your Christmas tree after the holidays?

Here are a few things you can do to recycle, repurpose or dispose of your lovely tree.

  • Mulch or compost. Luckily, your tree is biodegradable, so it can easily be returned to nature.
  • Dream up some lovely landscaping ideas.
  • Use it as outdoor fire fuel.
  • Enjoy it as a tree.
  • Freshen your home.
  • Help your community.

How do you take down a Christmas tree without a mess?

First, lay a drop cloth or old bed sheet on the floor next to the tree. Remove the tree from the stand. Wrap the trunk in a towel to soak up excess water. Place the tree on its side on the sheet and wrap the whole tree in the cloth, making sure the branches are enclosed.

Where do I put my Christmas tree after Christmas?

What to do with an old Christmas tree

  1. Compost your Christmas tree.
  2. Mulch perennial beds with the boughs.
  3. Chip the wood for garden paths and beds.
  4. Place the tree outside and turn it into a bird sanctuary.
  5. Turn your tree into a wildlife habitat.
  6. Use branches as simple supports for plants.
  7. Use your old tree as firewood.

Why does my Christmas tree water smell like vomit?

While it’s not a common problem, it’s possible that contaminants and/or bacteria in the water can lead to a foul odor. The easiest remedy to try is to remove the offending water and replace it, leaving the tree in the stand throughout the process.

Do real Christmas trees stink?

Your Christmas tree is still alive for a while after it’s been cut down, and it will try to heal the cut in its trunk by sealing it off with resin. If you then put it in water just like that, it won’t absorb any, so you’ll just have stagnant standing water in your bucket that will begin to stink pretty quickly.

What kind of tree smells like cat urine?

Certain trees, such as white spruce and locust trees, are known to produce a cat urine type of odor. If you’re thinking of adding a few plants to your landscaping, you may want to ask someone at the plant nursery what to expect before you invest in what may turn out to be an obnoxiously noxious plant.

Should I put bleach in my Christmas tree water?

Be sure to replace the water that is used each day and don’t allow the stand to dry out. Do not add sugar, aspirin, bleach or floral preservatives to the water; plain tap water is all that is needed to keep your tree fresh.