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How do I create a class diagram using StarUML?

How do I create a class diagram using StarUML?

To create a Class Diagram:

  1. First select an element where a new Class Diagram to be contained as a child.
  2. Select Model | Add Diagram | Class Diagram in the Menu Bar or select Add Diagram | Class Diagram in Context Menu.

What is White Star UML?

With the original StarUML not being updated anymore WhiteStarUML is a project basing directly on its code base and offering all its features adapted to the modern environment like support of Unicode strings or being developed and tested on Windows 7 and 8.

Why is StarUML used?

StarUML is build as a modular and open tool. It provides frameworks for extending the functionality of the tool. It is designed to allow access to all functions of the model/meta-model and tool through COM Automation, and it provides extension of menu and option items.

What is the purpose of StarUML?

StarUML is a sophisticated software modeler aimed to support agile and concise modeling. The main targets of users are: Agile and small development teams.

How do I generate Java code in StarUML?

Java Code Generation

  1. Click the menu ( Tools > Java > Generate Code… )
  2. Select a base model (or package) that will be generated to Java.
  3. Select a folder where generated Java source files will be placed.

Why do we use StarUML?

Where is actor in StarUML?

Actor is shown in the form of stick man or rectangle with icon, that is decoration view. To display actor in decoration view, select [Format] -> [Stereotype Display] -> [Decoration] menu item or select [Decoration] item in [ ] combo button on toolbar.

How do you draw a use case?

How to Draw a Use Case Diagram?

  1. Identify the Actors (role of users) of the system.
  2. For each category of users, identify all roles played by the users relevant to the system.
  3. Identify what are the users required the system to be performed to achieve these goals.
  4. Create use cases for every goal.
  5. Structure the use cases.

How do I create an EA code?

Generate code for a single Class Click on the required Class or Interface and select the ‘Develop > Source Code > Generate > Generate Single Element’ ribbon option, or press F11. The ‘Generate Code’ dialog displays, through which you can control how and where your source code is generated.

What is WhiteStarUML?

Why WhiteStarUML? With the original StarUML not being updated anymore WhiteStarUML is a project basing directly on its code base and offering all its features adapted to the modern environment like support of Unicode strings or being developed and tested on Windows 7 and 8.

Is StarUML a good UML tool?

StarUML proved to be a good entry level UML tool and of course is used well beyond that scope in many organizations in serious projects and nowadays very likely is the most often downloaded and used of all UML tools.

What are the key features of StarUML?

The key features of StarUML are: Multi-platform support (MacOS, Windows and Linux) UML 2.x standard compliant. Entity-Relationship diagram (ERD) Data-flow diagram (DFD) Flowchart diagram.