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How do I check my xinetd status?

How do I check my xinetd status?

To determine the state and start the xinetd service: Log into the ESX host using an SSH client. For more information, see Opening a command or shell prompt (1003892). Run service xinetd status again to verify the service is now running.

How restart xinetd Linux?

To do a graceful restart type: sudo killall -HUP xinetd (this will affect all xinetd instances). A normal restart will affect all active sessions and will interrupt them.

What is xinetd daemon?

In computer networking, xinetd (Extended Internet Service Daemon) is an open-source super-server daemon which runs on many Unix-like systems and manages Internet-based connectivity. It offers a more secure alternative to the older inetd (“the Internet daemon”), which most modern Linux distributions have deprecated.

What is the xinetd configuration file?

The /etc/xinetd.confFile The /etc/xinetd.conffile contains general configuration settings which effect every service under xinetd’s control. It is read once when the xinetdservice is started, so for configuration changes to take effect, the administrator must restart the xinetdservice. Below is a sample /etc/xinetd.conffile:

How do I create a custom log file for xinetd?

Adding a directive such as FILE /var/log/xinetdlogwould create a custom log file called xinetdlogin the /var/log/directory. log_on_success— Configures xinetdto log if the connection is successful.

How does xinetd handle access control rules?

The xinetddaemon checks its own access control rules both for the xinetdservice and the requested service. If a deny rule matches the client host the connection is dropped. Otherwise, xinetdstarts an instance of the requested service and passes control of the connection to it.

Where can I find xinetd options?

includedir/etc/xinetd.d/— Includes options declared in the service-specific configuration files located in the /etc/xinetd.d/directory. Refer to Section 17.4.2 The /etc/xinetd.d/Directoryfor more information. Note