Does the Navy use AHLTA?
AHLTA is a global Electronic Health Record (EHR) system used by U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). It was implemented at Army, Navy and Air Force Military Treatment Facilities (MTF) around the world between January 2003 and January 2006. It is a services-wide medical and dental information management system.
What is LDDB in AHLTA?
All documentation takes place in the AHLTA-T Light-Duty Database (LDDB). The documentation provides adequate information for the patient medical history while deployed.
What is essentris?
Essentris® now known as CIS, allows worldwide documentation of inpatient care for all service members and their beneficiaries. The CCI|EHR which is the latest CIS baseline is used to assist injured service members returning from Theater to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany for acute care.
The Armed Forces Health Longitudinal Technology Application (AHLTA) is the electronic medical record (EMR) system used by medical providers of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) since its initial implementation in January 2004. It is a services-wide medical and dental information management system.
How long has the military used AHLTA?
Since the early 1990’s the AHLTA has been the provider order entry system used by the military. It allows for fast and efficient patient care due to its ability to interface with more than 40 clinical and administrative systems.
Who created AHLTA?
the Clinical Information Technology Program Office
AHLTA, previously known as the Composite Health Care System II, was developed by the Clinical Information Technology Program Office (CITPO), an acquisitions office for centrally managed Military Health System clinical information technology systems supporting the U.S. military.
What is Chcs military?
The Composite Health Care System II (CHCS II) is the Military’s electronic Computer-based Patient Record, a clinical information system that will generate, maintain, and provide secure online access to a comprehensive and legible health record.
When did Chcs start?
Composite Health Care System (CHCS) CHCS is a medical information system that has been in operation since 1993. CHCS primarily functions as the outpatient component of the EHR, with additional capabilities to order, record, and archive data for laboratory, radiology, and pharmacy services.
Does the VA use Genesis?
Yes. DOD, VA, and the U. S. Coast Guard are standing up a single, common electronic health record that will stay with a service member from the time of their enlistment through veteran status.
What is the VA EMR called?
VA’s Electronic Health Record Modernization (EHRM) program is an effort to replace the department’s current EHR, the Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA), with a new commercial EHR solution. VA selected Cerner Corp.
What language is CPRS written in?
CPRS is written in Borland’s Delphi (Pascal).
What does CPRS stand for in the VA?
Department of Veterans Affairs. Health Data Systems. Computerized Patient Record System Product Line. Page 2. Computerized Patient Record System (CPRS)
Is Cerner hard to learn?
Many users say that the Cerner system takes more time to do a simple task, so it is not intuitive to use. While with other EHRs, you may do worse, the Cerner system requires a decent amount of training to get the hang of it.