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Can I remove likes from my Facebook page?

Can I remove likes from my Facebook page?

Go to your Page, then click Settings in the bottom left. Click People and Other Pages in the left menu. Click to check the box next to the person you want to remove. Click and select Remove From Page Likes.

How do I unlike a page?

Step 1: Open Facebook account on your Android device. Step 2: Next go to the Page by tapping its name in your News Feed or searching for it. Step 3: Once you reach that particular page, below the Page’s cover photo, tap Liked > Unlike to, unlike the Page.

How do I get rid of fake likes on Facebook?

Go to your Facebook page and click the Fans icon and select See All. The list you see only shows you up to 500 fans. If you see any fake accounts within this list of 500, click the gear next to the name and select Remove.

How do I remove an accidental like on Facebook?

How do I unlike something on Facebook?

  1. To unlike a post or photo: Go to the post or photo. Tap Like to unlike.
  2. To unlike a comment: Go to the comment. Tap Like to unlike.
  3. To unlike a Page: Go to the Page. Tap Liked. Tap Unlike to unlike.

How do I unlike a like on Facebook?

You can only unlike posts, photos, comments and Pages that you previously liked. To unlike a post or photo: Go to the post or photo….How do I unlike something on Facebook?

  1. Go to the Page.
  2. Tap Liked.
  3. Tap Unlike to unlike.

How can I remove fake likes on Facebook photos?

Scroll to the Facebook profiles you want to remove and check the box next to their name (you can select several at a time). Click the wheel just above the list of names of People who Like this Page (right side next to Search box). Select Remove from Page Likes.

Can someone see if I unlike something on Facebook?

The Facebook user won’t be notified that you unliked their photo, but what about when you liked it? Well, everything depends on timing. If you liked and then unliked the Facebook post while that person was online at that moment, then there’s a great chance they saw it.