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Where is initrd loaded?

Where is initrd loaded?

The loading of initrd is handled by the boot loader (GRUB, LILO, etc.). Boot loaders only need BIOS routines to load data from the boot medium. If the boot loader is able to load the kernel, it can also load the initial ramdisk.

What is initrd IMG old?

If you stat /initrd. img. old you’ll likely find it’s a symbolic link (somewhat like shortcuts in windows; posix have multiple types of links) thus uses no disk space at all, it’s just a entry in the file system that points to your prior kernel.

What is the initrd image?

The initrd image contains the necessary executables and system files to support the second-stage boot of a Linux system. Depending on which version of Linux you’re running, the method for creating the initial RAM disk can vary. Prior to Fedora Core 3, the initrd is constructed using the loop device.

How do I remove a kernel?

Ubuntu 18.04 remove kernel that is not used

  1. First, boot into a new kernel.
  2. List all other older kernel using the dpkg command.
  3. Note down system disk space usage by running the df -H command.
  4. Delete all unused old kernels, run: sudo apt –purge autoremove.
  5. Verify it by running the df -H.

How do I remove old Ubuntu and install new Ubuntu?

Here are the steps to follow for reinstalling Ubuntu.

  1. Step 1: Create a live USB. First, download Ubuntu from its website. You can download whichever Ubuntu version you want to use. Download Ubuntu.
  2. Step 2: Reinstall Ubuntu. Once you have got the live USB of Ubuntu, plugin the USB. Reboot your system.

How do I create a new initrd?

Creating initrd initrd can be created with “mkinitrd” command. The location of initrd is /boot directory. The kernel version for which the initrd image is being created needs to be passed as an argument to the mkinitrd command. The current kernel version can be checked with uname command.

What is Initrd and Vmlinuz in Linux?

The vmlinuz and initrd files are in a /boot directory. This directory is special — it is reserved for boot files, and the bootloader knows to look for this directory. It is generally a separate partition of the primary disk where the operating system is installed.

Can I boot without initrd?

Yes, you can boot a system without an initrd image. initrd image is either a gzipped ramdisc image, or (more commonly nowadays) a gzipped .

What is initrd in Linux?

The initial RAM disk (initrd) is an initial root file system that is mounted prior to when the real root file system is available. The initrd is bound to the kernel and loaded as part of the kernel boot procedure.

What is difference between initrd and Initramfs?

In sum, ramfs is just file opened and loaded into memory, isn’t it? Both initrd and ramfs are zipped at compile time, but the difference is, initrd is a block device unpacked to be mounted by the kernel at booting, while ramfs is unpacked via cpio into memory.