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What bank BSB is 062?

What bank BSB is 062?

Australia BSB Number 062-692 – Commonwealth Bank

BSB Number 062-692
Bank Commonwealth Bank
Financial Institution CBA
Address 48 Martin Place

What Commonwealth branch is 062 948?

Australia BSB Number 062-948 – Commonwealth Bank

BSB Number 062-948
Bank Commonwealth Bank
Financial Institution CBA
Address 48 Martin Place

What bank BSB is 062 445?

Australia BSB Number 062-445 – Commonwealth Bank

BSB Number 062-445
Bank Commonwealth Bank
Financial Institution CBA
Address Shop 76-77 585 High Street

Which bank BSB is 063 527?

Australia BSB Number 063-527 – Commonwealth Bank

BSB Number 063-527
Bank Commonwealth Bank
Financial Institution CBA
Address 39 High St

What is BSB Number for Commonwealth Bank?

Commonwealth Bank BSB generally begins with 06. Macquarie Bank also has a universal BSB of 182-512. NAB BSB numbers begin with 08 or 8. Suncorp Bank has a universal BSB of 484-799.

How can I get branch name from account number?

The starting 4 digits of the IFSC signify the bank’s name, followed by a 0 (the 5th digit) and the last 6 digits stand for the branch of a bank. You can also find the IFSC code on the top of a cheque leaf near the bank account number.

How do I find my Commonwealth branch code?

If you’re looking for your own BSB number, you can also find it in your online banking or on your account statements. Always check the BSB number with your bank or recipient. If you use the wrong number, your payment could bounce, or be sent to the wrong account.

Can we find bank name using account number?

First and foremost, you need to go to the Bank of the person whose account name you want to find. Inside the bag, you need to locate the cash deposit machine. You need then to input the account number on the cash deposit machine. The machine will then display the account holder’s name.